Thank you so much...
May 27, 2007
The comments and emails that I have received have been so wonderful. Thank you so much for all of the love and support everyone has sent to me. It makes me remember that I am not alone and also what... Read more →
The comments and emails that I have received have been so wonderful. Thank you so much for all of the love and support everyone has sent to me. It makes me remember that I am not alone and also what... Read more →
On Monday, Tacy got a formal diagnosis of autism. We had gone to have some testing done to see where Tacy is cognitively. That testing came out with no surprises. She functions overall at an 18 month age level, we... Read more →
With any project I do, there is a process that is taken to get from start to finish. It is this process where you can learn about yourself as an artist, how you make the design decisions that you do,... Read more →
Two weeks ago, today, I got a phone call from my Mom to tell my me that my Dad was going into the hospital for an emergency angiogram where they would then determine if the could do angioplasty or if... Read more →